About BHN

Social Justice

Diversity and inclusion are an integral part of BHN’s mission and philosophy, to provide the individuals we serve with the highest-quality care in a welcoming, inclusive environment and to build strength through dignity. BHN's social justice efforts seek to eliminate social and economic inequities and promote respect for human dignity, inclusiveness of diversity, and the physical and psychological safety and well-being of all people.

This commitment to diversity is woven into the fabric of BHN — we embrace our values as we serve our participants, employees, students, families, and communities.

BHN Social Justice Affirmation

BHN commits to creating and sustaining a socially just and equitable workplace and services for staff, those we serve, and communities by fully embracing and operationalizing the 5 pillars of Social Justice: Diversity, Equity, Access, Participation and Human Rights.

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